Youth Advisory Panel
The Youth Advisory Panel is a diverse group of rangatahi between the ages of 16-19 who ensure a youth perspective is represented in our classification, information and research work.

Young people are the group most impacted by our rating decisions, so it makes sense that we consult with them when making our decisions.
During panel meetings, members express their views and perspectives on the impacts of harmful media and the way the Classification Office responds to those issues.
Members attend selected film screenings to provide input into the classification process, participate in consultations, present at hui, and submit on policy and law changes. The Panel also supports the Office with key events such as Censor for a Day, Youth Week, Mental Health Awareness Week and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori/Māori Language Week.
The Youth Advisory Panel is an integral part of our team given the fast-moving media landscape, and they help us shape our direction of travel within a modern context. We value working alongside rangatahi, learning from their experiences to reduce harm in Aotearoa.
Annual Reports
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