Our team

Led by the Chief and Deputy Chief Censors, Te Mana Whakaatu - Classification Office is organised into groups that empower New Zealanders to view content in a positive way and safeguard them from harm.

The Chief Censor and Deputy Chief Censor

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The Chief and Deputy Chief Censors are appointed on the recommendation of the Minister of Internal Affairs, with the agreement of the Minister for Women and the Minister of Justice. The Chief Censor and Deputy Chief Censor form the Board of the Classification Office.


Caroline Flora, Chief Censor

The current Chief Censor is Caroline Flora. Caroline is a senior public servant who has held a number of senior roles at the Ministry of Health and at New Zealand Police.


Rupert Ablett-Hampson, Deputy Chief Censor

The current Deputy Chief Censor is Rupert Ablett-Hampson. Rupert has held legal roles in private practice and as chief legal advisor at the Ministry of Social Development.

The Chief Censor

The Chief Censor is the chief executive of the Classification Office and is responsible for allocating duties and responsibilities among staff.

The Chief Censor performs a number of additional functions under the Classification Act, including the power to:

  • Grant members of the public leave to submit an unclassified publication for classification.
  • Allow previously classified publications to be submitted in order to be given a new classification.
  • 'Call in' an unclassified publication in order for it to be classified (this is usually the result of complaints from members of the public).
  • Grant an exemption (upon request) from a classification restriction - for example a school teacher showing a restricted film to students.

The Deputy Chief Censor

The Deputy Chief Censor exercises the powers, duties and functions of the Chief Censor in the event of absence or vacancy. The Deputy Chief Censor is currently responsible for the overall management of the Classification Unit.

The Classification Office team

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The Classification Unit

The Classification Unit consists of three teams of Classification Advisors, each supervised by a Senior Classification Advisor. Classification Advisors examine films, games and other publications which are submitted for classification.

Classification Advisors are also responsible for registering a new classification decision, updating our public database, and producing written decisions outlining why a publication has received a particular classification. Some of these documents are required by law and may be used as evidence in court cases.

The Countering Violent Extremism Team

Convened in response to the March 15 terror attacks, the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) team provides specialist content knowledge and experience to the Classification Office.

The team has a focus on outreach with domestic and international CVE stakeholders. It conducts research tracking dangerous disinformation and its link with violent extremism and conspiracy theories. The CVE subject matter expertise is then used to inform classification decisions and Classification Office communications.

The Information Unit

The Information Unit deals with inquiries and complaints from members of the public, and other stakeholders such as the film industry, retailers, libraries and schools.

The Information Unit is responsible for producing information resources, carrying out research, liaising with industry members, and organising speakers and presentations upon request.

The Communications Manager is responsible for the Information Unit, and is also the Complaints Officer and Privacy Officer.

The Corporate Services Unit

The Corporate Services Unit provides administrative support - including reception, IT and technical services.

The Corporate Services Manager is responsible for human resources and is the Chief Financial Officer.

Job vacancies

We're looking for a great candidate to join us as a Coordinator – Information Support.

Further details about this role, and about how to apply, are available on Seek.

Applications close at 5:00 pm on Sunday 16 February 2025.

When hiring Classification or Information Unit Advisors, the Classification Office generally looks for people with work experience, good writing skills, and a university degree. The job does not require a particular qualification.

The Classification Office looks for the ability to analyse material, and form opinions and arguments based on the provisions of the Films, Videos, and Publications Classification Act 1993. These skills are often gained through study and work experience.

The Classification Office does not offer internships for Classification Unit or Information Unit positions.

Contact us

If you'd like a hand with something, just reach out. We're happy to help.