Emilia Pérez

NZ release: 16 January 2025

Violence, offensive language, sexual themes and content that may disturb Rated on: 23 December 2024


What’s it about?

Emilia Pérez is a Spanish-language crime drama musical. Lawyer Rita helps cartel leader Del Monte escape a life of crime and transition to become Emilia. Years later, Emilia reunites with Rita to bring her estranged family home.

The facts

  • Directed by Jacques Audiard (A Prophet, Rust and Bone)
  • Spanish with English subtitles
  • Runtime: 92 minutes
  • Starring Zoe Saldana, Karla Sofia Gascón, and Selena Gomez
  • Karla Sofia Gascón is the first openly trans woman to be nominated for a film in a lead actress category at the Golden Globes.

Why did it get this rating?

This film was classified by Te Mana Whakaatu, Classification Office. You can find out more about classification process and ratings here.

Violence, crime and cruelty

There is some violence shown in the film, centred around cartel and criminal violence. Themes of violent crime include discussions of cartel killings, and includes cruel aspects like home invasion, kidnapping, and ransom. A few photos of cartel hits show people dead in the street. We see bodies being dug up with a lot of body bags on the ground. One character is beaten and partially suffocated at home. Another character’s severed fingers are briefly shown.

As part of a kidnapping ordeal a character is stuffed into a car boot and a gun held to their head.

Domestic and sexual violence are mentioned as a motive to murder.

Sexual themes

There are conversations about desire and infidelity, as well as some frank sexual references. A few scenes include partial buttock and breast nudity, but not in a sexualised way.

Offensive language

Offensive language includes “f*ck” and “motherf*cker”, and a homophobic slur is used to insult.

Suicide themes

Suicidal thoughts are briefly mentioned as a part of a character’s gender dysphoria. However, the focus is on forging ahead with life and strengthening their resolve to transition.


If you are struggling with what you have seen on-screen please reach out for help. If you or someone you know needs to talk:

Further information

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