Internet content
The Classification Office can classify publications such as images, text or video files available online, as well as emails, chat logs and other content.
Banned/illegal online material
Some types of image, video, text or other publication are illegal ('objectionable') in New Zealand - for example, any content that promotes or supports the sexual exploitation of children or young people. You can learn more about the type of content that is objectionable here.
It is illegal to make or distribute objectionable content. It is also illegal to download or view this content, even if you do not save a copy of the material you are viewing.
People in New Zealand can also be prosecuted for uploading objectionable material to overseas websites.
The majority of computer file submissions we receive are from enforcement agencies or through court cases. The Department of Internal Affairs and Police both monitor various sites and chat rooms for illegal activity.
Request or change a classification
Submit something to be classified, ask about getting a classification changed or request an exemption.